My Biography

Married for 25 years to Tony Sias (10-04-80) He had 3 children from a previous marriage and I have 4 from previous marriages. So together we have 7 children & 13 grandchildren. (all who have been born since we were married so we are the grandma and grandpa to all 13) All of these kids are very close to us and we take them out bike riding often. Believe it or not, Breanna, age 8, rides an “80” and all she can say is “more power”. These 3 kids are my daughter, Michele’s, children and every other weekend were camping or dirt bike riding or both, all year long. We own a 5th. Wheel Alfa Sun so when camping we are in comfort.

Both my husband and I are continuing to work. He works for the City of Los Angeles driving truck and repairing our streets in L.A. I work for Medallion Display & Packaging Corp. in Sun Valley. I’ve been there for 27 years and am an account executive and office manager. I love my job and will continue to work for at least another 2 years or more. As long as I feel healthy and strong I see no reason to retire. We have just returned from a trip to Canada, on Vancover Island, where we saw the Butchard Gardens. So Beautiful!!!

In 1978 I was a professional Bowler. Carrying a 186 average and enjoyed the tour of Western States with a group of friends. We were the “Western Womens Bowling Assoc. After I started working I had to give up the bowling but it had been great for a time.

I’ve been a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church my whole life. I belong to the La Crescenta Church and have been a member there for 10 years. Before that I was a member of the Sylmar Adventist Church for 30 yrs. and prior to that belonged to the Burbank Adventist Church.

For many years I was involved with Sylmar Little League with my 3 sons. I held all the offices from Womens President to snack bar Chairman to Treasurer, and last but not least, Score Keeper. I only wish those days would have gone on forever.

Thanks for your work in preparing this reunion

Sincerely, Vickie Sias