My Biography

Married to Beverly Two married daughters

Following high school I obtained a military deferment to attend college and graduate School. I graduated from college with a degree in optometry.

My military deferment required that after college I spend two years in the armed services and I therefore accepted a direct commission in the Air Force. My military career was spent at Francis R. Warren AFB in Cheyenne Wyoming where I was the base Optometrist. During my stay in the Air Force our country experienced the Cuban Missile Crisis and we were informed that a nuclear war was imminent.

The pay for a captain in the Air Force at the time was less than what I could expect in the private sector so when my commitment was complete I chose to open my own office.

I started in private Optornetric practice in Westwood Village (near UCLA) in 1964 And retired in 1995. Looking for a lifestyle change, Beverly and I moved to Savannah Georgia to play golf, fish and enjoy the good life.

In 1998 we decided California was still the best place to live. Following our return we located in Cambria on the central coast, built a house and I activated my California License to practice Optometry.

I am currently again in private practice and seeing patients 4 -5 days per week.

My life has been full and rewarding and with some exceptions I probably would do things much the same if given a second chance.