This is an E-mail from
Carol Muscorella Maitland
to Dan Cassidy
and Dan's reply, 10/08/00

Hi Dan

I missed you at the class reunion last week What are you doing these days. Where do you Live? We live in Eugene, OR on 20 acres raising ALPACAS. Those are those little guys that are raised for their Fiber. Scott is still in show business as a Unit Producer and I retired from that business. Go in on our WEBSITE at: You can get a little history of our life these days.

I found out about CLASSMATES.COM at the reunion and thought I would join it.

Write when you get a chance.

Fondly, Carol Muscorella Maitland

Dan's reply

It was great to hear from you. I live in Laguna Niguel, have my own law firm. own a portion of Spago with Wolfgang Puck, a portion of the French Laundry in the Napa Valley and am blessed with 12 grandchildren from 4 of my 5 children. Is that enough of outrageous bragging and other wise boorish behavior? I really am sorry I missed the reunion. I can't tell you how much I look forward to seeing my classmates to learn the bends and turns in there lives. I wish we could find them all. We spent our developing years together. While each of us has had interesting and fulfilling life, I bet we all would like to know how our First love or secret love has been. What ever happened to our many dear friends or why did someones life end up the way it did with such a promising start. The reason I didn't make it was business. I was on my way to the reunion when my car phone rang (a needless invention that didn't exist when we were much younger) you see I represent public sector employers in their labor relations and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority's 4000 bus operators were on strike and believe it or don't the Mayor of LA wanted me to be at the Pasadena Hilton right then to meet with the United Transportation Unions representatives. He believed we could settle the strike- I told him we would spend all night and still not settle it. He disagreed so I went. Unfortunately I was right because we are still meeting about 12 hours a day(that Is according to the press and television) actually we are meeting about 12 minutes a day so that the Film at 11 bunch can get their sound bites, Anyway the long and the short of it is that I missed the reunion for something much less important. Tell me who was there and all of the details you can remember about who is retired, what their kids are doing (grand kids too) by the way how are your grown ones. I haven't been much good at marriage," First was for 10 years and 4 kids, the second 20 years and 1 son and my last 5 years and no kids but a great relationship.

Terri understands that I am a head strong, seldom right but never in doubt individual. She lets me think I am the boss, so we do exactly what she wants us to do all the while letting me think I make all the decisions. Four of my kids have moved within a few miles of where I now live, so I get to see them and the grandkids on a regular basis. In fact the 4 of them and 9 of the grandkids and my mother and her husband have informed me that I am cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Since Terri and I plan to be in Paris from December 26 through January 2, 2001 to celebrate the real millennium I had to surrender. I promise to write if you will. My best to you and your husband.
