Joe Runk wrote:
It has been brought to my attention that you have been searching for
for Jolyon (Joe) Runk. It seems that I have made a list for class of
1955. I am living in the panhandle of Idaho in a place called
Cocolalla. My wife and I live in the mountains on 20 acres. We have 4
children of our own and a number of foster children which equals 17
grand children. I retired as of June 1 of this year. We are in the
process of building a Bed and Breakfast. this area is unique on that
this county has no building codes.
Hope this note finds you happy and well.
Joe Runk
Cal & Barb Roe wrote:
Hi Joe
Yes, I had been looking for you. I found many "J." or "Joe" Runk but
I had no clue one was you. I do not know why other than you had an odd
name like mine, and I remembered you. I remember one day in the early
1950's when I was riding my bike on Clark Ave., and there was a big
balloon tethered in a back yard. I was curious and found you were
responsible. You showed me how to do it, and I went home and tried it
but I couldn't get enough pressure. You had a large easy to blow up
weather balloon, and I could not afford such items and tried a toy
After I left JBH I attended Chapman College and received a BS in
Chemistry. While attending college I decided Plastics would be a good
field. I then worked for 30 years with McDonnell Douglas primarily in
the bonding field. I was called the Glue Garu. I became good at
solving process problems, and went all over the US fixing things.
I lived in Orange County, married Barbara, we have 2 boys Mitch & Matt,
they have both graduated from college and have great jobs in the
computer world, we have one granddaughter, I retired in 1995 and move
to Big Bear Lake, and I'm learning to say "no" to projects because I
just too busy.
So what have you been doing for 45 years?
Cal Roe
Joe Runk wrote:
Hi! Cal
What have I been doing for 45 years...some times I have wondered about that.
I went to Cal Poly for four years and took classes that I wanted to take...I
ended up with enough credits but not in the correct subjects. People around
me were getting drafted. So I joined the Navy, rather than being the choice,
I made the choice. I never left the US. It was funny because, I spent the
first four months building a model of the base I was at with 2 others. And
then to the Arizona State fair for 3 weeks to show the exibit. I got out
four years and one month later.
I worked for Douglas missile and space division at Vandenberg on the Thor
project. I worked there for five years. I got married during this time. I
worked for Western Electric putting in telephone offices in central
California for six years. I worked for California Fine Wire in Grover City
for a number of years.
Each year we would take our vacation in different places trying to find a
place to settle. We found Cocolalla, ID just 15 miles south of Sandpoint,
ID. We moved there in June of 1975, with 4 kids, lived in tents, while we
built the house on 20 acres. The two older girls started school we were
still living tents...when we did move into the windows were covered with
clear plastic. I got a job at Encoder Products that fall...all we had in the
bank was $125.00. I worked there for 25 years. Water had to be dipped out of
a well and carried into the house...but the water ran out down the drain. It
was two years before we had a well drilled and a pump installed. We raised
our family here. I am now retired. Now we are in the process of building a
bed and breakfast in the middle of our 20 acres. Life becomes more
interesting as one gets older. Did you know that youth is wasted in the
young? There is all ways more to do then time alows.
Joe Runk