From: Carolyn Muscorella [] March 18

Dear Classmates,

Denny had his KNEE OPERATION last night... They were late in starting the operation but Rowleen was able to talk to the Doctor about 10:00pm last night and all was well. The infection was quite extensive so took longer than expected to clean the knee and put the antibiotic block in. From my understanding they had to remove the knee, itself, and will put it back in again when the infection is gone. This means that Denny can't be walking around like he use to and has to behave; if that is possible. This will be harder on Rowleen than Denny; I guarantee you. He should be coming home on Monday as it looks now. He is at St. Joseph's Hospital in Burbank.

He's promised me a dance at the Reunion.!!!!




You can send an E-MAIL DIRECTLY to Denny at the Hospital at:

Get Well E-Mail is delivered twice daily on weekdays between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. E-mails received after-hours, on weekends or holidays will be delivered the following business day. E-mail received after the intended recipient has been discharged will not be delivered.

Please note that Get Well E-Mail is set up only to receive messages and cannot send outgoing replies. The Get Well E-Mail services respects message confidentiality. Upon receipt, your mail will be printed, placed in a sealed envelope and delivered directly to the patient's room. The Get Well E-Mail program is designed for get well wishes only. Any other types of communication or messages (i.e. e-mails conducting personal business, containing questionable content or business/vendor solicitations) will not be delivered.

Isn't technology great!!!!!!

From: Carolyn Muscorella []

Those that missed the Las Vegas Trip this passed week really missed a great great event. 63 attended our 3rd Annual on Feb. 27th. Thank you to all that participated. Don't forget to see pictures on this Web Site...

From: Rick Mitchell []

I am a current parent booster member of the JBHS-IMA. I want to thank those alumi members who have contributed to the marching band. We very much appreciate your support!

To Everyone that uses AOL and does not think there are problems

Dear Terry Ward,

This AOL issue is a known problem that is being generated at AOL's end by new spam filtering systems that they've recently implemented. Our administrators are doing their best to resolve this issue with AOL but ultimately the problem must be resolved at AOL's end. Unfortunately, due to this fact, we don't have an estimation as to when this will be corrected.

Thank you for contacting HostSave Technical Support.

If there are any further issues I can be of assistance with, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us anytime. For "Frequently Asked Questions" visit,

Jason R.
HostSave Tech Support

NOTE: HostSave is the company hosts the class web site.

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